Project Investigators Dr. Claire Burley, Prof. Henry Brodaty AO
Partners Dr Nadeeka Dissanayaka (University of Queensland)
Program Overview:
The ‘Changed Behaviours Special Interest Group (SiG)’ (previously known as the ‘Behaviours and Psychological Symptoms associated with Dementia (BPSD*) SiG’) started in early 2019 and has over almost 200 members from diverse backgrounds, including people living with dementia, family members, care providers, government workers, health professionals and researchers. In 2019 they held their first roundtable discussion at the Australian Dementia Forum in Hobart and met for the first workshop (with over 100 attendees) in Sydney. Please see links below for resources from our previous events.
The ‘Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research Network (ADDResearch)’ was formulated in collaboration with Dr Nadeeka Dissanayaka at the University of Queensland in 2020.
Aims of SiG and research network:
- To foster research into improving quality of life for people living with dementia
- To encourage research implementation
- To encourage collaboration in research and implementation between people living with dementia, families and care partners, service providers, government and policy makers and researchers
- To provide a forum for discussion that is inclusive of people living with dementia, families and care partners
Please email to find out more information and if you are interested in joining either the Changed Behaviours SiG and/ or ADDResearch.
* Please see article published in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Language paradigms when behaviour changes with dementia: #BanBPSD (Cunningham et al. 2019). For more information about preferences on terminology, please consult the Dementia Language Guidelines produced by Dementia Australia.
‘The DCRC will be ceasing operations Dec 2nd 2021. However, the SiG and ADDResearch Network will be relocated to another dementia organisation and future events will be organised. Details will be provided when confirmed. Please email or (for ADDResearch) if you would like to be kept informed and are not already a member of the group.’
Upcoming events:
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Past Events
Symposium 1: Disinhibited Behaviours – Fri 18 June, 2021
Disinhibited behaviours are actions which seem tactless, rude or even offensive. They occur when a person's words and/or actions don’t follow the generally understood social rules about what or where to say or do something.
Cost: FreeVenue: Zoom Online Webinar
Symposium 2: Sleep Disturbances – Fri 16 July, 2021
Sleep disturbances are often experienced by people living with dementia and can negatively impact their quality of life. This symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research and clinical guidelines.
Cost: FreeVenue: Zoom Online Webinar
Symposium 3: Anxiety & Depression with ADDResearch – Fri 17 September, 2021
The Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research (ADDResearch) Network international symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research from across the globe, focused on helping people living with dementia who experience depression and/ or anxiety.
Cost: FreeVenue: Zoom Online Webinar
Changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia: Two Online Symposia
The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) has organised two online symposia to take place in November 2020. You can register and submit an abstract for FREE here. Please see details below and attached poster. You can register to attend both or just one of the two.
Cost: FreeVenue: Online
Please click on hyperlinks below to access special interest group resources.
WEBINAR: Symposium 3 – Anxiety & Depression in Dementia with ADDResearch
The Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research (ADDResearch) Network international symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research from across the globe, focused on helping people living with dementia who experience depression and/ or anxiety. Duration: 2h 33mins
Webinar: Symposium 1 – Changed Behaviours – Fri 18 June 2021
Presented by DCRC & DTA
Disinhibited behaviours are actions which seem tactless, rude or even offensive. They occur when a person’s words and/or actions don’t follow the generally understood social rules about what or where to say or do something.
Recorded Friday 18 June, 2021
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & Dementia Training Australia (DTA)
Running Time: 2:22
Webinar: Day 1 – Changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia
In November 2020 two DCRC online symposia took place for people interested in dementia research on improving care and reducing changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia.
The aims of Day 1 of the symposia were to discuss research activities involving changed behaviours and/or psychological symptoms associated with dementia and care for people living with dementia. This event forms part of the special interest group led by Dr Claire Burley
Recorded Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC)
Running Time: 02:30:00
Webinar: Day 2 – Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research Network (ADDResearch)
In November 2020 two DCRC online symposia took place for people interested in dementia research on improving care and reducing changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia.
The aims of Day 2 of the symposia were to launch the new ‘Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research Network (ADDResearch)’ and the focus was on research into anxiety and depression in dementia. This network is a collaboration between UNSW Sydney and the University of Queensland and is co-led by Drs Claire Burley and Nadeeka Dissanayaka.
Recorded Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & University of Queensland
Running Time: 02:30:00
Previous events:
DCRC Symposia, Nov 2020, Online
BPSD Workshop, Nov 2019, Sydney: Sustaining Desirable Practice Change Workshop Slides
BPSD Roundtable Discussion, June 2019, ADF 2019, Hobart