Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & Dementia Training Australia (DTA)
Download presentations:
Professor Cindy Jones (.pptx) Kate Hawkins, Anglicare (.pptx) Marie Alford, Dementia Care Services (.pdf)
Disinhibited behaviours are actions which seem tactless, rude or even offensive. They occur when a person’s words and/or actions don’t follow the generally understood social rules about what or where to say or do something.
If a person living with dementia is disinhibited in their behaviour, this can attract attention to them and they may feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. It can be stressful for staff, families and carers too.
Read more about the Changed Behaviours Special Interest Group at
Recorded Friday 18 June, 2021
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & Dementia Training Australia (DTA)
Running Time: 2:22