
Current and Upcoming Events

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Past Events

Culture at the centre of ageing research and dementia prevention with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples

With extending lifespan healthy ageing is becoming synonymous with healthy brain ageing, and dementia prevention is increasingly recognised as a global public health challenge. In Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population is ageing rapidly, with the number of older people expected to exceed half a million in the next 30 years. At the same time, dementia prevention is a priority, with high rates of dementia observed across Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in remote, regional, and urban settings, with onset at relatively younger ages.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

2021 Dementia Prevention Conference – 28 October, 2021

On behalf of the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) we invite you to join us for the 2021 Dementia Prevention Conference.

The 2021 Dementia Prevention Conference will be held via Zoom on 28th October. We invite you to join us to hear the most up to date research from around Australia with special guest Professor Laura D. Baker as keynote speaker.

Register now for FREE to be a part of this exciting event! Abstract submissions are closed.

Cost: Free
Venue: Online

Symposium 1: Disinhibited Behaviours – Fri 18 June, 2021

Disinhibited behaviours are actions which seem tactless, rude or even offensive. They occur when a person's words and/or actions don’t follow the generally understood social rules about what or where to say or do something.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Symposium 2: Sleep Disturbances – Fri 16 July, 2021

Sleep disturbances are often experienced by people living with dementia and can negatively impact their quality of life. This symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research and clinical guidelines.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Symposium 3: Anxiety & Depression with ADDResearch – Fri 17 September, 2021

The Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research (ADDResearch) Network international symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research from across the globe, focused on helping people living with dementia who experience depression and/ or anxiety.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Online symposium: Making person-centred care a reality – Fri 19 November, 2021

Reflecting on progress and challenges since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and additional challenges of COVID-19, this symposium will include expert presentations from people with lived experience, clinicians, researchers and government. This Symposium will look at future directions in making person-centred care a reality throughout Australia.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Webinar: Involving CALD Communities in Dementia Research

With one in three older people being from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, Australia is both an increasingly ageing and multicultural nation. However, there is an under-representation of CALD communities in dementia research. Consequently, many research findings translated into clinical practice and social policy are culturally inappropriate, disregard biological differences across Australia’s multicultural groups, and perpetuate social inequalities.

Cost: Free
Venue: Zoom Online Webinar

Changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia: Two Online Symposia

The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) has organised two online symposia to take place in November 2020. You can register and submit an abstract for FREE here. Please see details below and attached poster. You can register to attend both or just one of the two.

Cost: Free
Venue: Online

Citizen Science and Step Up for Dementia Research

Citizen Science and Step Up for Dementia Research: A Game Changer in Dementia Research with Professor Yun-Hee Jeon

Cost: Free
Venue: Online Webinar

Online Webinar: View of Dementia from a Public Health and Population Perspective

Contemporary Populations and Dementia: What have we learnt and where are we headed?

Cost: Free
Venue: Online

Online Webinar: Making better decisions…

Making better decisions – How to apply economic thinking to evaluate health and social care for people living with dementia.

Cost: Free
Venue: Webinar Online