
Australian Government funded project to update existing DCRC resources

The DCRC is pleased to announce that we have received Commonwealth Government funding to update our BPSD Guides and Resources. The aim of the DCRC resources is to provide easy access to strategies to support clinicians in the field and family carers in the home when they are presented with changed behaviours associated with dementia. […]

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Guidelines for the appropriate use of psychotropic medicines

The DCRC is seeking proposals to develop guidelines for the appropriate use of psychotropic medicines for people living with dementia. Clear and accurate guidance regarding the use of such medicines is required for clinicians and other care staff to reduce chemical restraints and improve care for people living with dementia. Guidelines are also required for […]

DCRC Farewell after 15 years of dementia research

The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) will cease operation on December 23, 2021, and we want to take this opportunity to thank all our members, colleagues, and stakeholders across Australia and internationally for your important contribution to dementia research.

Seven ground-breaking dementia research grants to support people living with dementia and their caregivers

MEDIA RELEASE The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) is pleased to announce the successful applicants in the latest round of DCRC pilot grants. Seven pilot projects will receive $75,000 each to conduct ground-breaking dementia research. Five of the seven projects are co-funded in partnership with the Dementia Australia Research Foundation. The seven DCRC pilot […]

MEDIA RELEASE: $250,000 to implement dementia research evidence into practice

The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) is pleased to announce the successful applicants receiving an Implementing Research Evidence into Practice Grant 2020. The grants, of up to $50,000 each, have been awarded to Dr Claire O’Connor, Dr Jane Sluggett , Dr Christine While, Associate Professor Lyn Phillipson, Dr Loren Mowszowski, Associate Professor Susan Slatyer […]

MEDIA RELEASE: $200,000 to address the appropriate use of psychotropic medicines for people living with dementia

Professor Simon Bell, Pharmacist and Director of the Centre for Medicine Use and Safety at Monash University has received $200,000 from the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) to lead a multidisciplinary team to develop guidelines for the appropriate use of psychotropic medicines for people living with dementia.

“The Royal Commission into Aged Quality and Safety has highlighted the over-reliance on chemical restraint as one of three areas for immediate action within aged care,” said Professor Bell.