Published on: October 21, 2020
The Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) is pleased to announce the successful applicants receiving an Implementing Research Evidence into Practice Grant 2020.
The grants, of up to $50,000 each, have been awarded to Dr Claire O’Connor, Dr Jane Sluggett , Dr Christine While, Associate Professor Lyn Phillipson, Dr Loren Mowszowski, Associate Professor Susan Slatyer and Trinidad Valenzuela.
The primary purpose of the DCRC Implementing Research Evidence into Practice grant scheme is to support the implementation into practice of an existing knowledge product or program that has previously been developed and piloted.
In making this announcement, DCRC Directors, Professors Kaarin Anstey, Elizabeth Beattie and Henry Brodaty congratulate the recipients on their outstanding implementation proposals and thank all applicants.
Claire O’Connor (UNSW), Hammond Care – Implementing Arts on Prescription (AoP)@Home for people living with dementia and their family carers.
Over time, accessing community services and maintaining hobbies becomes more difficult for people living with dementia and their family supporters. This project aims to bring Arts on Prescription to people’s homes (AoP@Home), whereby professional artists will actively engage both the person with dementia and their family supporter(s) in making art using their preferred art form, such as music, visual arts, drama or singing.
Janet Sluggett, University of South Australia – Simplifying medication regimens for residents of Australian aged care facilities.
This project will assist with translation of medication simplification into usual practice by doctors and pharmacists. It will validate a tool for simplifying medications among GP’s and geriatricians and examine if pharmacists are simplifying medication regimens as part of their usual clinical practice in aged care facilities.
Christine While, LaTrobe University – Will it work here? Improving knowledge translation outcomes in residential aged care by enhancing readiness for implementation.
This project aims to adapt a knowledge product called Will it Work Here: a decision maker’s guide to adopting innovations. The adaptation will be specific to assessing readiness for knowledge translation in the Australian residential aged care sector. The resulting tool will enhance the uptake and adoption of evidence into practice and it will promote involvement of people with dementia and their family in the development of quality service provision.
Lyn Phillipson, University of Wollongong – Adaption, implementation and evaluation of the ‘Talking Mats for Supported Home Care Planning’ intervention for people with dementia.
This project focuses on training within two aged care providers to use ‘Talking Mats’ with their home care clients to promote greater engagement of people with dementia in the active planning of consumer directed care packages. We aim to understand what barriers and supports exist to make Talking Mats part of their everyday care planning practices.
Loren Mowszowski, University of Sydney – Improving patients’ access to evidence-based dementia risk reduction with an individualised Healthy Brain Ageing program.
This project represents a critical step in facilitating the implementation of more personalised Healthy Brain Ageing interventions in memory clinics across Australia through the Australian Dementia Network, thus changing the landscape of proactive healthcare for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment, and, in turn, improving their well-being and quality of life.
Susan Slatyer, Murdoch University – Implementing the ‘Focus on the Person’ form: A partnership approach to person-centred hospital care for people with dementia.
This project will implement the ‘Focus on the Person’ form to provide an opportunity for families to inform the person-centred care of people with dementia in hospital, and potentially improve outcomes for this vulnerable group.
Trinidad Valenzuela, University of Sydney – Frailty Reduction via Implementation of Exercise, Nutritional support and Deprescribing Project: The FRIEND Project.
The FRIEND project aims to establish integrated processes and pathways within a residential facility’s operating procedures that enable early identification and effective reduction of frailty via collaborative staff training and support for the incorporation of established strategies to mitigate the 3 remediable contributing factors of: sarcopenia, malnutrition, and potentially harmful medication burden, as well as improved quality of life, mood, and mobility among the targeted residents.
Funded by the Australian government, the DCRC’s primary research foci within the broader topic of dementia research are prevention, assessment and diagnosis, intervention and treatment, living with dementia and care.
To get in touch with any of the grant recipients, please contact Alex McTavish, Media Communications Coordinator at DCRC: or 0406 858 882.
Media Release PDF