Dr. Deborah Brooks

deborah brooks

Consumer Involvement Coordinator


+61 7 3138 3882

About Dr. Deborah Brooks

Deborah Brooks (PhD, MSc, BSc) is a project coordinator at the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration, Queensland University of Technology. She has a background in psychology and health services research and has been involved in many dementia research and service development projects over the last 15 years, both in Australia and the UK.

Recent projects have focused on improving the quality of life and care of people with dementia and their families within community and residential aged care settings. Her doctorate research focused on improving psychosocial support to spousal family carers of people with dementia who have moved into permanent residential care. She has a strong commitment to consumer engagement in all aspects of research and service development.

  • MacAndrew, M., Beattie, E., Schnitker, L., Brooks, D., Shepherd, N. (2019). Towards autonomy and safety for people with dementia. Australian Journal of Dementia Care. 8 (2): 24-26, April/May 2019.
  • MacAndrew, M., Brooks, D. Beattie, E. (2019). Non-Pharmacological interventions for managing wandering in the community: A narrative review of the evidence base. Health and Social Care in the Community.  2019 Mar, Vol.27(2), pp.306-319.
  • Brooks, D., Fielding, E., Beattie, E., Edwards, H., Hines, S. (2018). Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on the psychological health and wellbeing of family carers of people with dementia following residential care placement: a systematic review. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 16(5):1240-1268, May 2018.
  • Beattie, E., Fielding, E., O’Reilly, M., Brooks, D., MacAndrew, M., McCrow, J. (2018). Recruitment of Individuals with Dementia and their Carers for Social Research: Lessons Learned from Nine Studies. Research in Gerontological Nursing. https://doi.org/10.3928/19404921-20180308-01
  • Agar, M.; Luckett, T.; Luscombe, G.; Phillips, J.; Beattie, E.; Pond, D.; Mitchell, G.; Davidson, P.; Cook, J.; Brooks, D.; Houltram, J.; Goodall, S.; Chenoweth, L.; Quinn (2017). Effects of facilitated family case conferencing for advanced dementia: A cluster randomised clinical trial. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0181020. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181020
  • Luckett, T., Chenoweth, L., Phillips, J., Brooks, D., Cook, J., Mitchell, G., … Agar, M. (2017). A facilitated approach to family case conferencing for people with advanced dementia living in nursing homes: perceptions of palliative care planning coordinators and other health professionals in the IDEAL Study. International Psychogeriatrics. Vol.29(10), pp.1713-1722
  • Travers, C., Brooks, D., Hines, S., O’Reilly, M., McMaster, M., He, W., McAndrew, M., Fielding, E., Karlsson, L., Beattie, E. (2016). The effectiveness of meaningful occupation interventions for people living with dementia in residential aged care: A systematic review. The JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports. 12/2016, Volume 14, (12).
  • Nayton, K., Fielding, E., Brooks. D. & Beattie, E. (2014). Development of an education program to improve care of patients with dementia in an acute care setting. J. Contin. Educ. Nurs. 2014; 45 (12): 552-558.
  • Burrow, S. & Brooks, D. (2012). Atdementia: An information resource on assistive technologies that help support the independence of people with dementia. Dementia: Vol 11 (4) pp553-557.
  • Savitch, N., Brooks, D., & Wey, S. (2012). AT Guide: developing a new way to help people with dementia and their carers find information about assistive technology. Journal of Assistive Technology: Vol 6 (1) pp76-81.
  • Hutchings D, et al (2010). Good days and bad days: The lived experience and perceived impact of treatment with cholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease in the United Kingdom. Dementia 2010; 9 (3): 409-425. 
  • Hutchings, D, et al (2010). Cholinesterase inhibitors and Alzheimer’s disease: Patient, carer and professional factors influencing the use of drugs for Alzheimer’s disease in the United Kingdom. Dementia 2010. 9 (3): 427-443. 
  • McNamee P, Vanoli A, Hutchings D, et al (2010). Savings from sub-groups? Policy guidance and Alzheimer’s disease treatments. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 2010. 14:  
  • Robinson L, Hutchings D, et al (2007) Balancing rights and risks – conflicting perspectives in the management of wandering in dementia. Health, Risk and Society 2007; 9(4): 389 – 406. 
  • Robinson L, Hutchings D, et al (2007) Effectiveness and acceptability of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce wandering in dementia: a systematic review. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 22: 9-22.  
  • Robinson L, Hutchings D, et al (2006). A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions to prevent wandering in dementia and evaluation of the ethical implications and acceptability of their use. Health Technol Assess 2006; 10 (26).
  • Robinson L, Hutchings D, et al (2005). Effectiveness and acceptability of non-pharmacological methods to reduce wandering in people with dementia: incorporating users’ perspectives into systematic reviews. International Psychogeriatrics. 2005; 17 (2): 199-200.