Senior Research Team

Dr. Catherine Travers

Senior Research Fellow

PhD (University of Queensland)

Dr Travers is a Senior Research Fellow with the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration at QUT. Her research interests include ageing, dementia and interventions to improve older people’s quality of life including those with dementia. Dr Travers is a Clinical Psychologist who previously worked in both hospital and community [...]

Dr. Claire Burley

Research Fellow

PhD, MSc, BSc

Dr Burley is a DCRC Research Fellow based in the Department of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. She has a background in Psychology (BSc), Clinical Neuroscience (MSc) and Neurophysiology and Psychology (PhD). Claire has previous experience working in similar collaborative dementia research settings at the University of [...]

Dr. Elaine Fielding

Senior Research Fellow


Dr Fielding received a PhD in Sociology with specialisations in Demography and Research Methods and Statistics in 1993. Since then, she has served as a methodological and statistical consultant on a large number of complex social research projects, especially those involving surveys. In 2008, she took a position as a Senior Researcher [...]

Dr. Ruth Peters

Senior Research Scientist

PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons)

Dr Peters works to develop our understanding of the risk factors which increase our risk of cognitive decline and dementia and the ways in which we might act to reduce this risk. Alongside leading teams delivering high profile evidence synthesis work in the area of dementia risk reduction she has [...]