Dr. Margaret MacAndrew

Knowledge Translation Research Fellow

PhD, RN, BN, GCert (Ageing & Dementia), GCAP (FHEA)

Senior Lecturer, School of Nursing , QUT

+61 7 3138 5956

About Dr. Margaret MacAndrew

Dr MacAndrew is a Registered Nurse with experience across a variety of clinical settings including emergency nursing, care of children with special needs, dental surgery and most recently aged and dementia care. With a passion for improving quality of life and quality of care for people with dementia, particularly in residential aged care, Dr MacAndrew completed her PhD at the Queensland University of Technology in 2014 in the field of dementia care.

Her program of research focusses on improving the safety and autonomy of people with dementia who wander and has included two pilot trials of non-pharmacological interventions to reduce risky aspects of wandering in residential aged care, developed and is currently trialling a new risk assessment and care planning tool for people with dementia who wander and is currently working with the Queensland Police to revise reporting procedures for missing persons with dementia.

Dr MacAndrew has a joint appointment as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology, and a DCRC Knowledge Translation Research Fellow.

Non-Peer reviewed papers:

  • MacAndrew, M., Beattie, E., Schnitker, L., Brooks, D., Shepherd, N. (accepted March 2019) Working towards autonomy and safety for people with dementia. Australian Journal of Dementia Care.
  • MacAndrew, M., Beattie, E., Fielding, E., Wyles, C. (2016) A walking program to reduce risky aspects of wandering. Australian Journal of Dementia Care.
  • Fielding, E., Beattie, E., MacAndrew, M. (2013). Understanding dementia is vital in all health care staff. Australian Journal of Dementia Care, 2(2): 34-35.
  • Fielding, E., Beattie, E., Gresham, M., Neville, C., MacAndrew, M. (2012). Building Better Respite: Hearing the Voices of Carers. Australian Journal of Dementia Care. 1(4): 16-18