
Webinar: Symposium 1 – Changed Behaviours – Fri 18 June 2021

Presented by DCRC & DTA

Disinhibited behaviours are actions which seem tactless, rude or even offensive. They occur when a person’s words and/or actions don’t follow the generally understood social rules about what or where to say or do something.

Recorded Friday 18 June, 2021
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & Dementia Training Australia (DTA)
Running Time: 2:22

WEBINAR: Symposium 3 – Anxiety & Depression in Dementia with ADDResearch

The Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research (ADDResearch) Network international symposium aims to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds (people with lived experience, clinicians and researchers) to present their perspectives, including the latest research from across the globe, focused on helping people living with dementia who experience depression and/ or anxiety. Duration: 2h 33mins

Webinar: Day 2 – Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research Network (ADDResearch)

In November 2020 two DCRC online symposia took place for people interested in dementia research on improving care and reducing changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia.

The aims of Day 2 of the symposia were to launch the new ‘Anxiety and Depression in Dementia Research Network (ADDResearch)’ and the focus was on research into anxiety and depression in dementia. This network is a collaboration between UNSW Sydney and the University of Queensland and is co-led by Drs Claire Burley and Nadeeka Dissanayaka.

Recorded Wednesday, 11 November 2020
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC) & University of Queensland
Running Time: 02:30:00

Webinar: Day 1 – Changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia

In November 2020 two DCRC online symposia took place for people interested in dementia research on improving care and reducing changed behaviours and psychological symptoms associated with dementia.

The aims of Day 1 of the symposia were to discuss research activities involving changed behaviours and/or psychological symptoms associated with dementia and care for people living with dementia. This event forms part of the special interest group led by Dr Claire Burley

Recorded Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration (DCRC)
Running Time: 02:30:00

WEBINAR: Symposium 2 – Sleep Disturbances

Presented by Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration & Dementia Training Australia