Safe sitting and posture

Seating matters! Good seating and postural care can make an enormous difference to someone who is frail or has trouble moving about independently.

Current practice has no empirically based guidelines but anecdotally, clinical experience suggests that seating is suboptimal and may lead to poor outcomes.

After a systematic review of literature relating to seating for people living with advanced dementia; a review of available seating products; the development of a typology of seating and a review of current clinical practices in residential aged care facilities (RACFs), an interim set of guidelines for seating in RACFs has been developed in order to support future research.

The aim is to lay a foundation for future practical intervention studies to improve care outcomes for residents and staff.

This resource is designed for Care Staff and Family Carers of people living with dementia.

Authors: A/Prof Christopher Poulos, Ms Juliet Kelly, Ms Robyn Chapman, Ms Annette Crane, Ms Rebecca Forbes, Ms Meredith Graham, Ms Rene LeGrange, Ms Virginia Moore, Mr Sam Neylon

Partners: The Dementia Centre, HammondCare

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