Manual for partner and families
While residential respite care has been identified as an essential support for carers of people with dementia, there has been carer reluctance to use such services. Reported factors include perceptions that the respite experience will be detrimental to the health and behavioural stability of the person with dementia, and that carers experience feelings of increased anxiety and guilt when care is relinquished.
The Person-Centred Model of Residential Respite Care Transition (Transition Support: Person-Centred Care TS-PCC) Program was developed with the aim of improving the experience of Residential Respite Care for people with dementia and their carers.
This manual has been designed to assist you, as primary carer, to prepare resources to enable clear communication about your family member’s unique care needs, to care staff of any facility where care is required for your family member. This may include a brief stay at a respite care facility; or a short hospital admission.
‘Getting to know you’ booklet
This booklet is designed for you to obtain as much information as possible relating to your family member’s care needs, so that the care provided by you at home can be continued as closely as possible by others.
Authors: Prof. Elizabeth Beattie, Dr. Margaret MacAndrew, Dr. Elaine Fielding, Dr Maria O'Reilly, Prof Christine Neville
Partners: Queensland University of Technology