Preparing for a Natural Disaster

The Carer Ready Guide is a Guide to Using RediPlan for Carers of People with Dementia

Everyone in Australia should prepare for natural disasters. If you are a carer of someone with dementia, you need to think carefully about how best to help them and protect both of you from harm.

The Carer Ready Guide can help you think about these issues. You should read the Carer Ready Guide when completing your Red Cross RediPlan.

There are two components to the Guide: an eBook and a Flipbook. Access these resources by clicking on the download buttons below.

Authors: Dr. Margaret MacAndrew, Prof. Elizabeth Beattie, Dr. Elaine Fielding, Dr Linda Schnitker, Dr David Lie, Prof. Vivienne Tippett (QUT), Prof. Gerry Fitzgerald (QUT), Prof. Lisa Brown (USA)

Partners: Queensland University of Technology

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