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'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017
Citation: Maria O'Reilly Nicole Shepherd Elizabeth Miles Sandra Jeavons Louise McDonald
'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017
Citation: Journal of Continuing Education for Health Professionals. 2016 Winter;36(1):74-81. doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000028. Applying Knowledge Translation Concepts and Strategies in Dementia Care Education for Health Professionals: Recommendations From a Narrative Literature Review. Phillipson L1, Goodenough B, Reis S, Fleming R.
'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017
Citation: Raising awareness of research evidence among health professionals delivering dementia care: Are knowledge translation workshops useful? Pages 1-15 | Accepted author version posted online: 24 Oct 2016, Published online: 24 Oct 2016 Belinda Goodenough, Richard Fleming, Michael Young, Kim Burns, Cindy Jones & Fallon Forbes (2016): Raising awareness of research evidence among health professionals delivering dementia care: Are knowledge translation workshops useful?, Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2016.1247064 To link to this article:
'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017
Citation: Goodenough, B. et al (2016), 'Knowledge translation in dementia care: A review of the evidence for "Appreciative Inquiry" as a method to facilitate change', NNIDR Australian Dementia Forum, April 2016 Brisbane
'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017
Citation: Conway E & Chenery HJ (2016) Evaluating the MESSAGE Communication Strategies in Dementia training for use with community-based aged care staff working with people with dementia: a controlled pretest–post-test study. Journal of Clinical Nursing Volume 25, Issue 7-8, pages 1145–1155, April 2016 online: 29 Jan 2016