Media, Tipsheets & Consumer

"Gate open for dementia-friendly travel", insite magazine, NZ. June 2017

Authors: Prof. Elizabeth Beattie, Dr Maria O'Reilly, Ms Sandra Jeavons, Ms Nicole Shepherd

'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017

Authors: Dr Maria O'Reilly, Ms Sandra Jeavons, Ms Nicole Shepherd

Citation: Maria O'Reilly Nicole Shepherd Elizabeth Miles Sandra Jeavons Louise McDonald

'Dementia-friendly takes-off at Brisbane Airport', Alzheimer's Australia news, 20 June 2017

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Prof. Elizabeth Beattie, Prof Daniel O'Connor, Professor Yun-Hee Jeon, A/Prof Lee-Fay Low, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Z Liu, Dr Tanya Davison

Citation: Jeon, Y-H. et al 2016, 'Development and Validation of a Short Version of the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia for Screening Residents in Nursing Homes', The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol. 24, iss. 11, pp. 1007-1016 Yun-Hee Jeon, R.N., Ph.D., , , Zhixin Liu, Ph.D., Zhicheng Li, B.H.Sc., Lee-Fay Low, Ph.D., Lynn Chenoweth, R.N., Ph.D., Daniel O'Connor, M.D., Elizabeth Beattie, R.N., Ph.D., Tanya E. Davison, D.Psych., Henry Brodaty, M.D., D.Sc.

Heffernan, M. et al. 2016, "Tools to build care workers' evaluation skills&

Authors: A/Prof Lee-Fay Low, Dr Jenny Fletcher

Citation: "Uncovering the hidden truth" Australian Journal of Dementia Care Aug/Sep Vol 5, No 4. 2016

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Dr Maria O'Reilly, Ms Nicole Shepherd

Citation: "Making air travel easier for people with dementia" Australian Journal of Dementia Care Vol 5, No 4, Aug/Sep 2016

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Dr. Tiffany Jessop, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Mrs Linda Nattrass, Ms Fleur Harrison, Dr Allan Shell, Ms Monica Cations

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Dr. Tiffany Jessop, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Mrs Linda Nattrass, Ms Fleur Harrison, Dr Allan Shell, Ms Monica Cations

Citation: Australian researchers have successfully decreased the use of antipsychotics among a trial group of dementia patients in NSW nursing homes.

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Dr. Tiffany Jessop, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Mrs Linda Nattrass, Ms Fleur Harrison, Dr Allan Shell, Ms Monica Cations

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Dr. Tiffany Jessop, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Mrs Linda Nattrass, Ms Fleur Harrison, Dr Allan Shell, Ms Monica Cations

O'Reilly, M. & Shepherd, N. 2016, 'Making air travel easier for people

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO

Citation: 'Managing' Elderly Patients Without Powerful Antipsychotics Staff training can help eliminate inappropriate practices in nursing homes, study says

"Stopping Systemic Sedation: Australian Researchers Successfully Decrease Use of Antipsychotics in

Authors: Prof. Henry Brodaty AO, Dr. Tiffany Jessop, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Mrs Linda Nattrass, Ms Fleur Harrison, Dr Allan Shell, Ms Monica Cations

Citation: Stopping Systemic Sedation: Australian Researchers Successfully Decrease Use of Antipsychotics in Dementia Care

"Stopping Systemic Sedation: Australian Researchers Successfully Decrease Use of Antipsychotics in

Authors: Professor Yun-Hee Jeon, A/Prof Lee-Fay Low, Professor Belinda Goodenough, Dr Jess Baker

Citation: 31st International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International, Budapest, Hungary, April 21-24 2016