Linked Projects

Chenoweth, L. 2016, 'Coaching improves carer responses, health, well being', Australian Journal of Dementia Care Vol 5, No 4, Aug-Sep 2016

Authors: Prof Lynn Chenoweth

Citation: "Coaching improves carer responses, health, well being." Australian Journal of Dementia Care Vol 5, No 4, Aug-Sep 2016

Potter, K. et al. 2016, Deprescribing in Frail Older P.eople: A Randomised Controlled Trial. SUMMARY REPORT.PLOS one 10.1371/journal.pone.0149984

Authors: Prof Leon Flicker, Dr Kathleen Potter, Prof Chris Etherton-Beer, Ms Amy Page

Citation: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149984