Beattie, E. et al. 2016, ' Living with dementia in Australia’s nursing homes: Multiple lenses on quality of life', Gerontologist,747-748. 01 November 2016.

Published on: November 1, 2016

Authors: Prof. Elizabeth Beattie, Prof Wendy Moyle, A/Prof Barbara Horner, Prof Lynn Chenoweth, Dr Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh, Dr Elaine Fielding, Dr Maria O'Reilly, Prof Andrew Robinson

Publication link:

Beattie, E., Chenoweth, L, Moyle, W., Robinson, A., Horner, B., O-Reilly, M., Fetherstonhaugh, D., Fielding, E. Living with dementia in Australia’s nursing homes: Multiple lenses on quality of life', Gerontologist,747-748. 01 November 2016.