2021 Conference Grants - Application Closed

Applications opened on: Feb 11, 2020 9:00am AEST

Ended on: Apr 12, 2021 5:00pm AEST

Announcement Info: Successful applicants will be notified by late April 2021

Late application not accepted.

Applications for the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration’s (DCRC) 2021 DCRC Travel
Scholarships open on 11th February 2021. The number of conference grants will depend on
the quality of the applications and availability of funds.


  • National Conference grants (face-to-face) – up to $2000
  • National or International Conference (virtual) – up to $500

The funds can be used for registration only, if for a virtual conference or for registration,
travel and accommodation if a national, face-to-face event.

Download Grant Pack
  • Early academic career researchers and postgraduate students planning to present work related to a DCRC research priority area at a national or international conference in 2021. See https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/research-policy/research-priorities/dementia-research for priority areas.
  • Applicant/awardee must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident (or provide evidence of having applied for PR) studying/working at an Australian institution
  • Funding will be awarded pending acceptance to present at the named conference. Proof of abstract acceptance will be required before funding will be released: (if your presentation has not been accepted yet, you can still submit a conference travel grant application indicating this and providing the expected date of notification of acceptance).
  • Evidence that the presentation is related to dementia and addresses an NHMRC/DCRC strategic priority.
  • Abstract acceptance can be for a poster or oral presentation. Please indicate which you have applied for/been accepted for in your application.
  • Successful applicants will be required to provide a half page report on their conference experience
  • Applicant/awardee must be a member of the DCRC. Membership is free and available through the DCRC website.
  • Previous DCRC travel grant recipients are not eligible.
  • Retrospective applications for conferences already attended will not be considered.
  • The conference needs to take place in 2021

A brief report on your conference experience will need to be provided within 6 weeks of attending the conference or by the 30th November 2021, whichever comes first.


APPLICATIONS OPEN February 11th, 2021
APPLICATIONS CLOSE March 22nd, 2021 at 5pm. No late applications will be accepted.

To apply, please send your application to DCRCgrants@unsw.edu.au with the subject heading “[Applicant Surname] _DCRC Conference Scholarship 2021” as a single pdf document.

To complete the application you must provide the following documents:

  • Evidence of citizenship or permanent residency (or application for)
  • An up-to-date curriculum vitae
  • The name and dates of the conference you are applying for funding to attend, presentation type (poster/oral) whether it will be face-to-face or virtual and copy of
    the abstract you have submitted
  • Proof of abstract acceptance for presentation if applicable
  • Requested budget and justification including estimated cost of registration, any travel costs and funding options to cover the balance of conference travel if not
    covered by the travel scholarship, plus alternative should travel restrictions be imposed due to COVID outbreak (for F2F only).
  • Signed letters of support from your primary supervisor (if a student) or direct supervisor

Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The quality of the academic record and potential of the applicant 30%
  • The relevance of the conference to dementia research 25%
  • The quality of the abstract 25%
  • The value of the application based on budget justification 20%Any other funding received for this travel or for which an application has been submitted
    must be declared.

The final decision on successful applicants will be made by a panel of experts in the dementia priority areas, with input from consumers. Representation across dementia
research areas and gender balance will be taken into consideration when making final decisions on successful applications. No correspondence about the awards will be entered

Successful applicants will be notified by May 2021.

Further Information:

If you have any questions, please contact:

Tiffany Jessop
Email: DCRCgrants@unsw.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 9385 2592