Event Date: Oct 28, 2021 8:30am - 5:00pm (AEST)
Cost: Free
Venue: Online
Event Overview:
We invite you to join us for the 2021 DCRC Dementia Prevention Conference.
We are delighted to welcome Prof Laura D. Baker as our keynote speaker along with:
- Prof Kaarin Anstey
- Prof Karen Charlton
- Prof Sharon Naismith
- Prof Ralph Martins
- A/Prof Kay Cox
- Dr Belinda Brown
- Dr Amit Lampit
- Dr Maree Farrow
Abstract Submissions Closed. For more information, please contact Dr Nikki-Anne Wilson: n.wilson@neura.edu.au
DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM Conference Booklet (PDF)Keynote Address
Professor Laura D. Baker
We are very excited and honoured to announce that Professor Laura D. Baker will be providing the keynote address. Professor of Internal Medicine, Neurology, and Public Health Sciences at Wake Forest School of Medicine, and the Associate Director of the Wake Forest Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Professor Baker is an international leader in the areas of cognitive aging and lifestyle interventions to protect brain health and prevent cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
Professor Baker has been an investigator of over 55 research studies on aging and Alzheimer’s disease prevention and treatment. One study that will finish next year, referred to as “EXERT,” is a large multi-site randomized clinical trial testing whether aerobic exercise might be medicine to protect against cognitive decline in adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Professor Baker is also the lead Principal Investigator of the large multi-site study supported by the Alzheimer’s Association that is testing whether a change in lifestyle can protect cognitive function in Americans who may be at risk for memory decline in the future. This study, called “U.S. POINTER” is part of a global consortium of other similar studies now being conducted in over 25 countries.
Invited Speakers
Prof Ralph Martins, Macquarie University and Edith Cowan University
Prof Martins is an authority in Alzheimer’s disease research with over 34 years of experience studying the disease. He is Foundation Chair of Aging and Alzheimer’s disease at Edith Cowan University and team leader of the COMBAT-AD research group at Macquarie University.
Prof Sharon Naismith, University of Sydney
Prof Sharon Naismith is a Clinical Neuropsychologist, NHMRC Dementia Leadership Fellow and holds the Leonard P Ullman Chair in Psychology at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney. She also Heads the Healthy Brain Ageing Program at the Brain and Mind Centre, a one-of-its-kind early intervention research clinic for dementia.
Prof Karen Charlton, University of Wollongong
Karen’s research investigates the role of diet on cardiovascular health and cognitive function in older adults, with a focus on flavonoids found in plant foods. Her work influences policy and practice, particularly population-level salt reduction in low-middle income countries.
A/Prof Kay Cox University of Western Australia
A/Prof Cox is an exercise physiologist and Research Associate Professor in the Medical School (Royal Perth Hospital Unit), at the University of WA. She is a senior collaborator on the INDIGO Study investigating physical activity and goal-setting interventions for sedentary older adults at risk of cognitive decline.
Dr Maree Farrow, University of Tasmania
Dr Maree Farrow is a cognitive neuroscientist and the Senior Academic Lead for Dementia MOOCs at the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre. Her research focus is learning better ways to educate people in the community about how they can reduce their risk of dementia.
Dr Belinda Brown, Murdoch University
Dr Belinda Brown’s research is primarily focused on understanding the role of lifestyle in maintaining a healthy ageing brain and preventing cognitive decline and dementia. Her previous work has identified a role of physical activity in: reducing toxic brain proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease, enhancing cognitive function, and maintaining brain volume.
Dr Amit Lampit, University of Melbourne
Dr Lampit is clinical neuroscientist specialising in cognitive training across the lifespan and brain disorders, clinical trials and research synthesis. He is a CR Roper Senior Research Fellow and co-leader of the Cognitive Interventions, Technologies and Evaluation Group at the Academic Unit for Psychiatry of Old Age, and holds dual appointments at the Department of Neurology, Charité University Hospital Berlin and the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University.